I’ve covered various hints and tricks that can help to boost things like our creativity levels, whether it’s sitting in dark light or having a chatter of background noise to contend with.
With mindfulness such a hot topic at the moment, a recent study might be of interest, for it revealed how a surprisingly mundane activity can decrease our nervousness by 27% and our mental inspiration by 25%.
Washing your worries away
Participants in the research revealed that when they were washing dishes, they tended to focus on the smell of the soap or the shape of the dishes, which helped them enter a more mindful state of mind.
It can also have the benefit of making time appear to slow down, which in itself is a pleasurable feeling.
“I’ve had an interest in mindfulness for many years, both as a contemplative practitioner and a researcher. I was particularly interested in how the mundane activities in life could be used to promote a mindful state and, thus, increase overall sense of well-being,” the authors say.
About the research
Now, it should be said that simply doing the dishes isn’t enough to invoke a more peaceful state of mind, you have to do them in the right way. The research saw participants divided into two groups. The first were tasked with washing dishes however they normally do. This would often involve them simply letting their mind drift.
The other group, meanwhile, were asked to focus on the sensory experience of washing those dishes.
Intriguingly, the second group showed significantly better ratings for nervousness and inspiration. All after just six minutes spent washing dishes.
“It is interesting to note that a task potentially construed as unpleasant or a “chore” can be experienced as reducing nervousness and being inspirational by simply shifting one’s approach to the task and quality of attention.
That mindfulness practices elevate mindfulness, encourage positive affect, and decrease negative affect is well established; however, that these changes were associated with the coupling of a mindful practice with an everyday task is a novel finding,” the authors reveal.
Now, of course, this kind of behavior is not something that can be constrained to simply washing dishes, as I’m sure you can become equally engaged in all manner of activities throughout your day.
If you want to make an easy start however, you can always get on with those dishes.

I'll have to use that to try and get my other half to do the dishes more often!
It's a feminist plot I tells ye lol