Whilst there is still undoubtedly a way to go, we have nonetheless come a long way in our understanding and acceptance of the need to better support those professionals who have children to care for at home. Whilst progress has been made in that sense, we are arguably still some way from offering parity to those who care for elderly or sick relatives.
This was highlighted by Embracing Carers, a new initiative launched by pharmaceutical company Merck. The project aims to both recognize and raise awareness of the important role unpaid caregivers play in society.
The venture was launched alongside the findings of the Embracing Carers™ International Survey, which found that carers need greater support around the world.
“Working with caregiver thought leaders, we aim to elevate caregiving as a global public health priority. Not enough services and programs exist today to help caregivers address their own health and well-being and it’s our aim to champion caregiver support and become a long-standing partner for the caregiver community. Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany’s responsibility and commitment to helping patients live longer, more fulfilled lives, stretch beyond medical innovation for patients,” the company say.
Embracing carers
Embracing carers aims to fill that gap and provide better support and recognition to caregivers. In the early stages, the team pledge to:
- Support the caregiver infrastructure by making possible the International Alliance of Carer Organizations’ (IACO) Carer Toolkit, providing countries without a caregiver infrastructure the information to develop a national caregiver organization.
- Convene caregiver organizations from across the world to serve as strategic advisors in increasing support and recognition of caregivers.
- Develop calls to action to broaden stakeholder engagement, increase global awareness of challenges, drive legislative action and engage with healthcare systems.
Embracing Carers™ is advised by leading caregiver organizations including the Caregiver Action Network, Carers Australia, Carers UK, Carers Worldwide, Eurocarers, National Alliance for Caregiving, International Alliance of Carer Organizations (IACO) and Shanghai Roots & Shoots, China.