Could AI Lead To A More Meritocratic Workplace?

Whilst there have been well publicized instances of bias with AI-based systems, a recent report from Pegasystems suggests that AI can actually lead to a more meritocratic workplace free from bias and privilege.

The report found that 66% of executives believe that the use of AI and advanced analytics could make the recruitment into management positions fairer and more transparent.  What’s more, a whopping 84% believe that it will become the norm for AI to calculate the true value of a particular candidate or employee within the next decade.

This will be achieved with a combination of real-time data on employee performance levels, with AI then used to evaluate that performance and reward employees appropriately in the same timeframe.

The consensus from respondents was that this would lead to a reduction in office politics as the measurement and reward processes became fairer and more transparent.  Many thought this would result in not only a more diverse but a more harmonious workplace.

“There’s no doubt AI has the power to fundamentally transform the way businesses leverage the talent they have at their disposal,” Pegasystems say. “Where organisations could once leave themselves open to accusations of bias or privilege in this respect, today’s Workforce Intelligence tools can now objectively evaluate an employee’s contribution in real time, allowing them to promote and remunerate talent based on the value added by each individual. With the correct level of oversight and governance, this could result in the workplace of the future becoming a far more diverse, meritocratic, and even harmonious place for employees.”

