Earlier this year a study revealed just how few senior executives have any kind of active profile on social media. Whether this matters or not depends on the purpose of your social media work. For instance, if you\’re currently just using social media to push out marketing messages then it probably isn\’t all that important that your CEO posts the odd tweet here and there.
Things change however if you\’re using social media tools to improve how your business operates. Then it becomes less an activity performed by the marketing team and more an organisation wide initiative to change for the better. I argued earlier in the summer that in these circumstances it\’s crucial that your leaders show that they understand the importance of this, and actually do some leading.
The importance of purpose
Some Stanford research this autumn revealed that many senior executives are still failing to really see how social is helping their companies. They\’re not seeing any impact on bottom line, and they\’re not seeing any impact on how the organisation behaves. That\’s a pretty major hurdle to overcome, and it underlines the importance not just of having a purpose for your social work, but having a purpose that is both tied into key organisational goals, and that is measurable.
Getting leaders to help you cross the chasm
Executive time is precious, so they aren\’t going to waste time on things that aren\’t making a difference. In the early stages of your social business project you won\’t need them, as you\’ll be flying under the radar and trying out things in a small skunk works style project. Doing it this way means you can fail safely without it jeopardising the entire thing.
Once you\’ve found something that works however you\’ll need help turning your skunk works into something that shifts the organisation. In the words of Geoffrey Moore, you\’ll need to cross the chasm. This is where your leaders can be invaluable.
Show me the money
There are various guides out there on how to coax senior executives to use your social tools. Whilst these strategies may provide some short-term results, and may even change the habits of some of your executive team, by far the most effective method for changing behaviour is to show them how what you do is producing results. This is where your skunk works comes in because you\’ve proven the merit of what you do and can provide evidence that it is working.
Sure the executive might want some coaching on how they can join in the fun, but if you can produce measurable and tangible impacts in areas that matter to them, you have a great chance that they will be beating a path to your door.

I agree it has to be about results. But there is also a case to be made when the senior exec\’s personality is an intrinsic part of the organisations brand, or he/she holds key external relationships.
These seem to be the circumstances in which figureheads adopt social media.
Hi Tim, hope you had a nice Christmas? Thanks for the comment. Getting leaders on board can be a big boost, especially when you're trying to cross over from early adopter usage to mainstream usage within the organisation. Has to be authentic though, no ghost accounts or anything. That's when early results are handy because it helps to convince them that it's worthwhile.
Nice post Adi. It seems awkward now for executives to get into social media wagon but sooner, they will see the importance and relevance of it. But for sure, they will be a little bit reserve when they're in.
I'm kinda cynical about it to be honest. Even when I do see a 'senior' person online, I seldom think it's actually them but rather their office or PR team. If it's really them using social tools then fine, but if it's done in their name then that's a complete waste of time.
I think them getting the culture of social is far more important than them actually using various tools.
It sure would help if they did. Seeing the higher ups being so open and engaging can be a surprisingly effective motivator.
In my experience you can get them onboard if – and only if – you can "show them the money" – or if it will make them look better to their superiors. Otherwise you are facing an uphill battle!