The 8 step guide to a social workplace

8stepscoverAs regular readers of this blog will attest, I’m very much a believer in the need for social business to have cultural roots.  It’s my belief that many of the attempts made thus far have been piecemeal in that they have so often involved merely the installation of some software or the adoption of a tool, whilst at the same time, every other facet of their organisation has remained the same.

It’s this lack of a systemic approach to social business that has, in my opinion, led to the high failure rate we have seen consistently across industries over the past few years.  And it’s this systemic approach that has been the focus of the book I published recently called The 8 Step Guide to a Social Workplace.

It looks at some of the social trends currently occurring, and how these are affecting our organisations go about their work, before outlining 8 organisational traits that contribute to the culture of that organisation.  It then delves into how you can use those 8 traits to encourage collaborative or social behaviours in your workplace.

You can browse the executive summary and contents page below, or purchase the book here.



5 thoughts on “The 8 step guide to a social workplace

  1. Congratulations Adi, on the publication of this book. Is this your first? It's definitely something that has been on my hit list for the past two years – I did publish an e-book in French in 2012, so I'd love to work on an English copy in 2014.

    Your topic is very timely, and should be a hit. Wise man, I see that you have done a collaborative effort (of course) with other authors. Are you also distributed on Amazon on any other major outlet? Being curious, here, sorry… 🙂


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