The past few years have seen an explosion in wearable health devices. Whilst a growing number of these are designed to assist you in quite serious ways, it’s probably fair to say that the majority are fitness related in some way.
There are many devices that will monitor your runs for instance or track how many steps you take. Moov Now is a device that takes things a step further however.
A wearable sports coach
It doesn’t just monitor what you’re doing, but via an AI interface it will provide you with real time coaching on your performance.
They wanted to go beyond merely recording and reporting data and provide some guidance to users on how they can improve, what things they can work on and how they can employ the right technique.
It sounds a lot to ask from a wearable device, but the makers believe that their AI is based on the best biomechanics and sports science research.
The device connects up to your smartphone via the app (on either iOS or Android), with the user donning a strap on either their ankle or wrist. The user then selects the activity they’re about to undertake and off they go.
The device will follow the movements of the user in a three dimensional way. So the gyroscope detects rotation, the magnetometer detects the direction of movement, and the accelerometer the speed of movement.
Learning as you go
Once the user has completed a couple of workouts, the device gains an understanding of their level. The user can then plug-in their goals, whether it’s burning calories or improving their technique, and the ‘coach’ will then work with you to improve your performance.
“When we first launched the running coach she was very demanding and some of our users asked if she could be nicer occasionally,” the founders say. “So we evolved this coach personality-wise, and gave her different modes.”
The device currently includes the following activities:
- running/walking – with the ‘coach’ monitoring cadence, pace, range of motion, distance and impact
- cycling – with speed, elevation, route mapping and shift assistance monitored
- swimming – laps, stroke count, stroke rate, turn time, distance per stroke
- boxing – technique, power, timing and duration
Artificial support
It’s a fascinating idea, and chimes with a similar AI driven product developed earlier this year by They built an AI based nurse, called Molly, who aims to provide help and support in those periods between appointments with real life professionals.
The service is aimed specifically at patients with common medical conditions such as diabetes or heart failure. The patient signs up to the site either direct or via their GP, and the platform then draws up a personalized care plan for them based upon both their medical records and the individual needs of the patient.
The patient then follows this prescribed plan (hopefully), with regular check-ins with the virtual nurse via their smartphone or computer to help their progress.
Doctors can also access information via the site to see how their patient is getting on, whilst the system will alert them automatically if worrying symptoms begin to emerge.
I think Moov Now are possibly the first to launch such a product for the fitness market however. It’s due to ship this autumn and is expected to retail for $59.99.
Well worth checking out if you’re a fitness fanatic that wants to try something unique. You can learn more via the video below.

Just pre-ordered mine! These sound amazing!
Just preordered the Moov Now and I'm excited to try it, should bring some real benefits to my running
Good stuff. I hope you find the device useful and pop back to tell us how it works.
Hmm, it's undoubtedly very clever, but I'm not sure I'd like that 'coach' blabbing away in my ear.
I suspect that there will eventually be a range of 'voices' you can choose for your coach. Maybe even some famous names.
What a wonderful idea. Obviously it needs to deliver on its promises now, but a fantastic concept!
Obviously it needs to do what it claims to do, but this could be a game changing device. I can see how this would be a huge boost to my training.
I wonder if eventually it will monitor things like sleep levels/quality and diet too? Now that would be really special.
I'm not convinced. I go for a run to get away from noise, I wouldn't want a constant stream of it in my ear.
Yes, I wonder if it's an option to limit just how much feedback you receive, or even choose to receive it after your workout rather than during it.