Amidst the recent refugee crisis, I wrote about a project from a German university to offer those involved access to university education ala MOOC style online courses.
Whilst it’s probably fair to say that the British response to the crisis has not been as welcoming as the German one, it should not be said that we’re standing idle.
A charitable venture called The Bike Project is aiming to provide refugees with second hand bikes to use, plus a series of training sessions on how to fix and maintain their steeds.
Giving refugees bike skills
The organization reveal that over 25,000 bikes are abandoned in London each year, and if these could be re-purposed and given to a refugee, it could save them a sizeable sum on their transport costs.
The project is a cooperative of refugees, mechanics and volunteers who are willing and able to patch up the bikes they secure from residents in the city.
The refugees are given access to regular bicycle maintenance and repair workshops so that they can take good care of their new machine. They will also run sessions on safe cycling, and even female only sessions.
The group are currently seeking second hand bikes for the scheme. If you’d like to help out but don’t have a bike to donate, you can also get your machine repaired at their workshops. The affordable fees from each service are ploughed back into the scheme.
There is a similar bike repair co-op workshop based around the corner from me, but I believe this is the first to specifically target refugees.
It’s a nice project that will be well worth supporting and keeping an eye on.

Interesting stuff. I think there was a similar project that's been running successfully for years in Amsterdam.
Lovely story and a really intelligent approach to bring positive experiences into the lives of these poor people.
Great to see this spreading throughout the world. There's also something similar in Montréal, although it's not restricted to asylum seekers, nor even to migrants, though it does target them,
Here's to spreading the cycling love!
Super stuff, thanks for sharing Layne.
Suffice to say, this is a drop in the ocean compared to the full support they need, but it's a nice example of how we can help in little ways.
Indeed, lots of small things can add up to something pretty cool.
Great to see this, hopefully more will be done fast to help these poor people.
I share the sentiments here, and in light of recent events I hope that these kinds of efforts still take place. We must carry on and stop the spread of hate.
Nice idea, I like it.
Providing refugees with bikes and skills is really an awesome idea of London charity. All government must take steps for refugees and also help them to get a batter future for them. Thanks for sharing!
Nice idea. Hope it will help the refugees to enhance their skills. These type of activities must be held in all countries to support refugees.
I salute London for this
I think there was a similar project that's been running successfully for years in Amsterdam.