Smart compression armbands released by Komodo Tech

aio-sleeveRecently I looked at a new wearable device that aims to measure the fatigue of the wearer.  A key facet of the device was its ability to ensure that the electrodes were always situated in the right spot to pick up the information required.

Such capabilities built into our clothing is increasingly common.  Komodo Technologies recently announced the launch of compression sleeves that are capable of tracking our activity and heart rate.

The AIO Smart Sleeve and AIO M.D device is held tight against the arm and both collects and reports vital information, including our heartrate, activity intensity, ECG and sleep patterns.

Smart compression

The device features a tracking device that is held against the forearm, which the team suggest is the ideal location for the collection of data.  The device then connects to a smartphone via Bluetooth Low Energy and is capable of recording heartbeat, steps, distance and sleep quality.

“In my own fitness routine, I found that the activity wristbands became cumbersome and uncomfortable, leading to inaccuracies. AIO solves this problem by fusing the tracker to a consistent location on the arm for more precise data,” said Komodo Founder, Elvis Goren. “AIO M.D. takes this technology a step further, notifying users of heart irregularities over time. We’re even working on algorithms that will detect early signs of heart inflammation and coronary heart disease, as well as record users’ stress levels—a convenient and invaluable tool for those who are monitoring their heart condition.”

Of course, the device shares the challenges faced by other clothing based wearable devices in that sports clothing requires frequent washing, and it’s unlikely therefore that you would wear the same item all the time.

It’s a problem that isn’t faced by watch or other external device based services, and I suspect will prove a major hurdle to overcome for the developers.  It is nonetheless raising money via Kickstarter, with shipments expected to commence this summer.

Check out the video below to see the device in action.



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