Harvard Business School Offer 1:1 Virtual Learning

MOOCs have been around for a few years now, offering millions of learners around the world the chance to get high quality tuition from leading academics at the best universities for free.  Most of the time the tutorials in these courses are distinctly mass market products, filmed once for every single student with no customization for individual needs.

For their latest leadership program on HBX, Harvard Business School aim to change that.  Through their Developing Yourself as a Leader, they’re offering one-to-one tuition to people that sign up to the 12-week interactive program.

The program is designed for people who are identified as high-potential leaders and will provide them with live, direct interaction with the HBS faculty and a range of talent development coaches.  They will also enjoy eight interactive case discussions via the HBX Live virtual classroom.  These discussions are accompanied by three one-to-one coaching sessions that will aim to put theory into personalized action so that each student can strive to make a tangible impact on their organization by the end of the 12 weeks.

“With the Developing Yourself as a Leader course, the faculty teaching team is delighted to bring some of Harvard Business School’s best theory and research in topics essential to proactive leadership development to emerging leaders around the globe,” the team say. “Combined with a suite of self-assessments, leading-edge tools, and one-on-one talent development coaching, the course equips each participant with a personalized toolkit to make tangible, lasting progress on leadership goals and ready them for a leadership trajectory in their organization.”

The course will require approximately 30 hours of time over the twelve week period, and will cost students $3,500.  Applications are open until August 29, 2018, with the course due to begin on January 29, 2019.

