Better Training Could Help Older Adults Use Technology

A recent study, from the University of Michigan, examining the enduring usage of voice assistant devices has revealed that older adults exhibit a greater inclination towards employing these devices when provided with comprehensive training regimens and instructional pamphlets.

Voice assistants, with their voice-activated and conversational interface, have emerged as cost-effective computing tools, captivating the interest of consumers seeking hands-free means to obtain information or indulge in melodious harmonies. Particularly in the past few years, their popularity has witnessed a significant upsurge, owing to the convenience they offer.

Access to information

The study shows that these innovative gadgets have proven to be especially beneficial for older adults, a segment of the population that may face challenges in utilizing traditional computers and mobile devices due to visual impairment or diminished motor capabilities.

By affording them improved avenues for information retrieval and entertainment, voice assistants bridge the accessibility gap for seniors, fostering an inclusive technological environment.

The study found that whereas previously older adults have only used such voice assistants on a short-term basis, with better instruction they were able to do so for much longer. The researchers placed training flyers that encouraged exploration near the devices of each participant and gave them time to explore new skills that were relevant to the tasks they perform each day.

“We have been using the wrong approach to introduce these technologies and train people how to use them,” the researchers explain. “As such, we show how older adults are actively using voice technologies.”

Interacting with Alexa offers a range of benefits that complement participants’ daily routines, according to a recent study. Notably, it improves their mood, engages them in mentally stimulating activities, and supports socialization with others.

Furthermore, the researchers highlight that some participants found comfort in conversing with Alexa, particularly when they experienced feelings of loneliness. This aspect proved to be highly valuable, underscoring the significant role of Alexa in providing emotional support.

The study’s findings shed light on the positive impact of interacting with Alexa, demonstrating its ability to enhance daily routines, uplift mood, foster cognitive engagement, and facilitate social connections.
