Study Highlights How Covid Affected Social Cohesion

The Covid pandemic had an unquestionable impact on the lives of people. A recent paper from Constructor University highlights how it impacted social cohesion around the world.

In a collection of nine articles, the authors delve into the far-reaching ramifications of the pandemic and the stringent measures implemented by governments worldwide to curb its spread. These articles extensively explore the consequences on various vulnerable groups, including children, the elderly, and migrants in different countries.

Social cohesion

The examination encompasses diverse angles, such as the examination of ideological polarization during the pandemic with Austria serving as a case study, as well as an exploration of Corona deniers in Germany. Furthermore, additional articles delve into the significance of poverty and offer insights into the experiences of Russia amid the pandemic.

The common thread that unites all these studies is their focused attention on at least one of the three fundamental pillars of social cohesion, as delineated by the Social Cohesion Radar of the Bertelsmann Stiftung, which draws upon the expertise of social scientists from two renowned universities.

These core elements comprise social relationships, including the pervasive issue of loneliness; the extent of trust in institutions, with particular emphasis on political establishments; and the prevailing inclination to provide assistance, care, and actively participate in endeavors for the greater communal good.

Through this comprehensive examination, the authors aim to shed light on the intricate dynamics and consequences of the pandemic while grounding their analysis in the foundational principles of social cohesion.

Social glue

“Social cohesion is the glue that holds our society together,” the authors explain. “This special issue provides a great deal of context to the state of research.”

The recently published special issue does not offer a definitive response to the intriguing question of whether the pandemic fostered a sense of unity or exacerbated societal divisions. According to the sociologist, the outcome is contingent upon a multitude of factors, including the unique social fabric of each society, the specific measures implemented, and the distinct phases experienced during the course of the pandemic.

The intricacy of this dynamic necessitates a deeper comprehension in order to formulate sustainable strategies for effectively navigating the long-term social ramifications of not only the present crisis but also future pandemics. By unraveling this complexity, policymakers and experts can lay the foundation for informed and astute approaches to managing the multifaceted challenges posed by such extraordinary circumstances.
