What Role Should AI Play In Management Education?

According to a report from the University of Surrey, it’s suggested that universities should talk openly with students and staff about how to make the most of AI tools like ChatGPT while avoiding problems.

The report advises institutions to set clear rules on using AI to prevent issues like cheating or relying too much on technology. It also recommends investing in training for both staff and students to help them use AI effectively.

Reaching potential

By having these conversations and putting guidelines in place, universities can use AI to its fullest potential while keeping things ethical and balanced.

“The rise of large language models (LLMs) leaves higher education facing two choices—resisting AI or embracing the technology and adapting to it,” the researchers explain. “Young people all over the world are embracing this technology, which makes universities duty-bound to develop strategies, policies and educational environments that make the use of this technology both safe and enjoyable, without hindering academic integrity or personal growth.”

The paper provides several additional recommendations. Firstly, universities are urged to establish formal academic policies regarding the use or prohibition of AI in education, requiring planning in infrastructure, curriculum development, and staff training for effective integration of AI tools.

Secondly, maintaining strong ethical standards while allowing for diversity in AI utilization is emphasized, necessitating strict enforcement of penalties for AI-related academic misconduct and consideration of a blend of traditional and new assessment methods to combat cheating, with smaller class sizes potentially facilitating more tailored assignments.

Lastly, the paper advocates for the collection of scientific evidence through empirical research to better understand the benefits and pitfalls of AI technologies in education, with a focus on determining the appropriate role for AI to complement human instructors’ strengths in educational delivery.
