A recent study from the University of Texas at Arlington suggests that laws criminalizing activities linked to homelessness do little to reduce it in the long run. Researchers looked at the 100 largest cities in the U.S., all of which have high rates of homelessness and laws intended to curb it. Their findings were clear: these laws may temporarily reduce homelessness, but the effect doesn’t last.
The study challenges the idea that being tougher on homeless people will solve the problem. “The belief that criminalizing homelessness will deter it is a misconception,” the researchers explain. “The idea that people can be scared out of being homeless through punishment just doesn’t work.”
Ineffective strategy
The research examined laws targeting specific behaviors associated with homelessness, like setting up camps or public intoxication, and analyzed data from 2000 to 2020. The results showed no lasting decrease in the homeless population. While some cities saw short-term reductions after enacting these laws, the effect was only temporary.
The researchers argue that to achieve long-term success in reducing homelessness, we need to address its root causes. “A lot of work needs to be done at the community level,” they conclude. “People don’t just choose to be homeless; they end up that way after falling through many cracks in the system.”