My strengths according to the Via Survey

Oxford Capacity Analysis - Personality Test
Image by goingchurching via Flickr

Most personality tests provide you with a series of negative traits to describe yourself but I came across one today that gives some positive characteristics of those that take the test.

The test is called ‘Values in Action Inventory of Strengths’ (VIA-IS) and was created by two pyschologists called Peterson and Seligman. ame up with 6 virtues and 24 strengths. The core virtues are those identified by philosophers, religious thinkers and others as being central to a ‘good character’ – these are the six main headings in the list below. The 24 character strengths, meanwhile, are those characteristics of individuals that contribute towards these virtues. These are listed under the virtue to which they contribute.

Take the survey

To take the survey you just need to visit the VIA website.

My results

Your Top Character Strength

Love of learning
You love learning new things, whether in a class or on your own. You have always loved school, reading, and museums-anywhere and everywhere there is an opportunity to learn.

Your Second Character Strength

Perspective (wisdom)
Although you may not think of yourself as wise, your friends hold this view of you. They value your perspective on matters and turn to you for advice. You have a way of looking at the world that makes sense to others and to yourself.

Your Third Character Strength

Bravery and valor
You are a courageous person who does not shrink from threat, challenge, difficulty, or pain. You speak up for what is right even if there is opposition. You act on your convictions.

Your Fourth Character Strength

Honesty, authenticity, and genuineness
You are an honest person, not only by speaking the truth but by living your life in a genuine and authentic way. You are down to earth and without pretense; you are a “real” person.

Your Fifth Character Strength

Curiosity and interest in the world
You are curious about everything. You are always asking questions, and you find all subjects and topics fascinating. You like exploration and discovery.

How does this compare?

Interestingly you can compare your score to those of other people.  The top 5 attributes are:

1.    Curiosity – 43%
2.    Love – 37%
3.    Fairness – 37%
4.    Judgment & Open-Mindedness – 34%
5.    Kindness – 32%

How did you score?

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