Are Internet firewalls an indictment of recruitment choices?

Facebook's new homepage features a login form ...
Image via Wikipedia

Many companies seem to employ firewalls to prevent employees browsing particular websites during work hours.  The usual suspects are traditionally barred, sites such as Facebook and Myspace, but also it seems that the likes of YouTube, Twitter and iTunes enter into the crosshairs.

With social marketing now an essential part of the online marketing mix it seems insane to prevent access to sites such as these.  YouTube for instance is the 2nd most popular search engine now and is absolutely essential for online marketing.

Surely if your recruitment process is up to the job then your organisation is employing people of fine standard that can be trusted to behave appropriately, so why the walled garden?

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2 thoughts on “Are Internet firewalls an indictment of recruitment choices?

  1. I’ll let you in on a secret. If you use (or was it .net?), then you can browse all the sites you want. It’s essentially a proxy server, but better than all the rest as it is not likely to be blocked. Try it!

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