LinkedIn launch new follow company plug-in

Company profiles on LinkedIn have always seemed to be a bit of a forgotten treasure by marketers.  They offer a great way to keep up to date with what companies are doing, and of course for companies to ensure fans have the latest information.  They have recently launched a new raft of tools that make it much easier to subscribe to a company's updates, or follow them if you will.

The video below outlines most of the main ways, but key amongst them is the new follow company button.

You can access the follow company button from the LinkedIn plug-ins page.  Just as with other buttons it's another method of letting fans of your brand keep up to date. 

For users the button is really simple to use.  They simply have to click the button and if they're logged into LinkedIn then they're following that company.  If they're not logged in then they're asked to log-in.

Have you utilised LinkedIn company pages?  Will you add this button to your about us page?



2 thoughts on “LinkedIn launch new follow company plug-in

  1. To be honest I can't think of many instances where this feature has been used well by a company, so I can't really therefore see many instances where I'd want to bother following them. There's also the thing of course that I use my LinkedIn wall much less often than I do say my Facebook wall.

    • The CMI company page was followed by nearly 2000 people when I worked there, so it can be used quite nicely. I agree though that many companies don't use this feature at all effectively.

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