Review of Twtrland

Today I had the pleasure of receiving a guided tour of Twtrland by company founder Guy Avigdor.  Twtrland is a veritable treasure trove of data around both your own Twitter activity, and that of anyone else you care to explore.

The first port of call is of course your own profile.  This brings up a wealth of information about your own account, such as how often you tweet, and of course how often you’re shared by others.


Clicking on your followers brings up a list of the best people amongst your followers.  From here you can easily slice and segment your followers, allowing you to segment by location, skill, gender and popularity.  It’s pretty easy therefore to see the power users in a particular niche in a particular location from amongst your followers.


Pull up your own account and you’ll see data about your tweets, your followers, the photos, videos and other media you share and much more. That would be pretty standard fare on its own but then you can really dig into that data. Want to see what Twitter power users from France follow you? Or if any female celebrities aged 20-40 follow you? All of this information is just a couple of clicks away.

Of course, vanity aside, the real power of such a tool is when you look for people other than yourself.  Clicking on the skills tab for instance shows you the most powerful users in a particular niche.  All of the same tools exist for this list, so it’s really easy to slice and dice them to find the best users in London, or the top female users in your niche.

If you’re serious about Twitter I’d say this is a really nice addition to your toolkit.  I think what would make it a really potent weapon in the enterprise social arsenal would be a good connection with the variety of enterprise social tools on the market.  For instance, if you could also filter your followers by how much they spend with your company, or how good they are at answering queries on your customer support community, then you get into the realms of something really powerful.

That level of integration isn’t there yet, but Guy told me that there are plans to begin integration with some CRM tools, so hopefully this will be a path they go down.  In the meantime, if you want to get some more info on your Twitter followers, Twtrland is a tool I can recommend you check out.



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