What do you need to support innovation?

Most organizations are striving to become more innovative, but there exist some significant challenges, with success rates somewhat variable to say the least.  The Hay Group has produced the following graphic outlining the factors it believes are crucial for the creation of an innovation culture.




4 thoughts on “What do you need to support innovation?

  1. What does it take to innovate?

    In a word, purpose.

    Stick that one word in the middle of that baloney diagram and voila.

    I don't know about you Adi but aren't consultants over-complicated the bloody obvious common sense approaches to getting things sorted.

    Aren't these people and organisations just another barrier to progress? It's obvious when you think about it really. Their 'purpose' isn't a common purpose. No, their purpose is to profit from what they do.

    • I suppose it should be common sense Mike, but there are still an awful lot of organisations that seem to struggle with applying common sense things in the workplace. Knowing what to do and actually doing it are often very different things.

      One of the big barriers to innovation is when the innovation conflicts with what the company already does. That isn't a new thing, yet companies still fail to overcome that issue time and time again. As long as organisations still struggle, there will always be those who try and help them.

      I mean you could argue that the HotPot model should be how organisations manage their internal talent. That would be common sense, yet we both know that isn't how things tend to function.

  2. Yeah i think you're right. For- and not-for-profit organisations in my experience struggle simply because they incentivise the wrong kind of behaviour.

    We’re moving out of the era where the ‘profit motive’ drove business to the era where the ‘purpose motive’ is the engine of growth and if folks can be incentivised to become more purposeful then they would solve a lot of their own problems, in my view….

    • Exactly. We're creatures of our environment in many instances, and a lot of our workplaces at the moment give folks an environment that promotes all the wrong things. I think it is beginning to change though, albeit slowly.

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