Meet the phone that can sniff out disease

sniffphoneOne of the more exciting developments in healthcare is the growing number of mobile devices that allow you to monitor and track for various diseases.

For instance, at the start of the year I saw the team from Cupris deliver a demonstration of their device for detecting various ear infections and diseases.

Which was kind of cool.  I think the SNIFFPHONE project probably takes coolness to another level however.

It’s a breathalyzer device that when connected up to your smartphone will analyze your breath and be able to alert you to any number of possible diseases.

The Israeli led project works by using an array of micro and nano sensors that can analyze the breath as its exhaled and then communicate that information back to the smartphone for interpretation.

The project builds upon previous work on a so called electronic nose style breathalyzer technology that has been under development since 2006.  This technology can detect elements in our breath that mark us out for possible diseases, thus acting as an advanced warning system.

“The SNIFFPHONE is a winning solution. It will be made tinier and cheaper than disease detection solutions currently, consume little power, and most importantly, it will enable immediate and early diagnosis that is both accurate and non-invasive,” says project lead Professor Hossam Haick. “Early diagnosis can save lives, particularly in life-threatening diseases such as cancer.”

Professor Haick is a hugely respected figure in this field, so it will be exciting to see how the SNIFFPHONE develops over the coming years.  Certainly one to watch out for.



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