Can AI herald a new age of data driven marketing?

Last summer I wrote about a Japanese company that was aiming to automate branding.  They will mine a large database of previous creative projects to suggest possibly new creative directions for an advert.

Another company has taken inspiration from this and is offering clients automated logo generation services.  The company, called Tailor Brands, offers their clients an unlimited branding package in return for a subscription to the company.

As with the examples above, they operate off of a huge library of some 13.5 million designs that have generated by their algorithms over the past few years.  These designs cover everything from business cards to logos.

Data driven marketing

Of course, interesting though these examples are, for most of us, there is a lot we can do to improve our marketing just by making better use of the data we have.

That’s where Aiden comes in.  They provide an AI driven solution that aims to find interesting patterns in the marketing data to optimize online campaigns.  It’s capable of querying data from a number of different dashboards to make suggestions on how campaigns can be improved.

It can interact with users via a number of platforms, including Slack, email, Skype or text messaging, with its natural language processing able to answer questions from the marketing team.

“As a marketer, you spend tons of time in fragmented dashboards. People spend almost 10 hours a week just searching for data. Another point we found out is that 60 percent of ad spend is actually wasted. Two of the big challenges for marketers today are a) what is important with my data and b) what do I do next,” the company say.

The central concept is that their AI system monitors the marketing data for any unusual activity, before then suggesting possible strategies to capitalize on the change.  I’m a little bit skeptical about the prowess of such tools, but I suppose the proof of the pudding is very much in the eating.

As marketing data becomes bigger in depth and breadth, the ability to rapidly derive insights from it will be crucially important.  It seems inevitable therefore that AI will play a part in that, but whether it will be Aiden or not remains to be seen.



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