How Our Hobbies Can Help Us At Work

Given the intensity with which many of us pursue our hobbies, it stands to reason that such passion can be valuable when we’re at work.  A recent study from the University of Sheffield highlights just how valuable our hobbies can be in a professional context.

The researchers highlight how hobbies are increasingly important in people’s lives, and they can be hugely influential in our careers, but not always in a positive way.  For instance, if our hobby is broadly similar to our work, it can make us feel less confident, especially if we’re heavily involved in our hobby.  The researchers believe this is because the intense demands of both work and play can overwhelm us.

If our hobbies are sufficiently different from our work activities however, they can provide a suitable buffer between our professional and personal lives, and make us happier and healthier.  The buffer afforded by our hobby helps us to recharge our batteries and even develop our skills in a new way.

“A high commitment approach to hobbies can help us to build skills and experiences that improve our confidence in the workplace, so is beneficial—as long as the hobby doesn’t interfere with, or place the same demands experienced at work,” the researchers say.  “Consider a scientist who is an avid rock climber. Since climbing is so far removed from their day-to-day work activities, they can still recover from the demands of their job and replenish their resources, despite investing a great deal of effort into honing their climbing skills.”

So hobbies can be great for our wellbeing at work, but only as long as they’re sufficiently different to allow us to recharge our batteries.  If we want to have a sustainable career, it’s perhaps something to consider.
